Kip Jones » Profile


I love being a School Counselor!  I feel that I was put on this earth to help young people.  I want them to believe in themselves and have the confidence to reach their goals.  I want to help aid these kids, lift them up when times are tough, and fan the flicker of hope in them.
I also teach Character Education (Life Skills) to every grade level at least twice a month.  Life Skills could be the most important "education" they could receive.  How to interact with others, read body language, and communicate with their words face to face is becoming more of a rarity in these younger generations. 
*Wingate University N.C. / Union College KY.  Bachelor of Arts Degree
*Lincoln Memorial University TN. Education Specialist Degree (Counseling)


Welcome to AIS Guidance Classes!  Please see the syllabus that outlines the values and topics we will be learnng about this school year.
Guidance 2022-2023 Syllabus

Classroom guidance lessons will be designed to encourage students’ academic, social/emotional and career awareness. Students will learn how to develop peer relationships, effective social skills, decision-making skills, effective communication, and explore safe and healthy choices. Students will also learn various coping strategies and ways to handle various challenges through:

Large and small group hands-on activities



Role- playing


Guest Speakers

Classroom Guidance Topics

August-  Intro to Guidance/ Wisdom/Bully Prevention

September- Friendship

October- Integrity / Drug/Alcohol Prevention/Decision-Making

November- Gratitude


January- Responsibility

February- Kindness

March- Patience

April- Peace/Career Awareness

May- Commitment

Small Group Counseling- is provided through referrals from parents, teachers, counselors, or students.  Sessions are held during the school day at a time the child’s teacher agrees would be best.  Sessions are typically 30 mins. and parental permission is required.

Individual Counseling- is provided through referrals from parents, teachers, counselors, or students.  The school counselor works one-on-one with the student to help them work through social/emotional and / or academic struggles that are negatively affecting their academic performance. Sessions are typically 30 mins. and parental permission is required. (parent permission letter for individual counseling)

For more information on what school counselors do, watch this video.



Captain TCAP vs. The Absentor

Why are there so many students becoming absent from school? Captain TCAP is called to save the day before the State Testing day.

Call Me Maybe

This was fun video made years ago with the kids using the popular song at that time. Can you recognize a few people in the video?

The Original Captain TCAP

This is the first video of when Captain TCAP arrived at Alcoa Elementary.

The Power of Bystanders

This is a look at the first book published in Mr. Jones's series with Boystown Press in Nebraska.

Willie Bohanon and Friends (State Assessment Prep)

Willie and the gang are getting ready for their state testing. Let's see how they handle it.

Willie Bohanon (Original) "Attitude of Gratitude"

Willie is try to help his friend, Hugh Ohmee, become a little more appreciative for things.

Willie Bohanon (Original) featuring Big Bob and the Eight Elephants of Listenville

Learn how to "Whole Body" Listen with Big Bob and his elephants! Hearing and listening are two different things!