Frequently Asked Questions
What does LEADER mean?
LEADER is an acronym we use to describe behavioral expectations. At AIS, we all strive to show leadership in everything we do.
L - Listen to Learn
E - Enter and Exit Prepared
A - Achieve Your Goals
D - Discipline Yourself
E - Encourage Others
R - Respect All
What homework is required in fourth grade?
Homework typically consists of 20 minutes of reading per night, and a passed and completed iReady lesson in both math and reading. On occasion, we might have a school project that requires some work to be completed at home.
What are the best forms of communication?
AIS uses ClassDojo for most communications and announcements. You can download the app to your phone and use the teacher provided code to connect to your student. We also send home planners daily and Friday folders every week.
Does AIS serve breakfast?
Breakfast starts at 7:15am each morning and is currently free for any student ($4.00 for adults).
How much is lunch?
This past year, lunch was provided for free to any student. However, typically, lunch is $2.85 for students ($4.00 for adults).
Does AIS have a school store?
Typically, the school store is open on Fridays with a variety of treats and items for students to purchase. Proceeds from the store go to our PTO to provide grants for teachers and fund various needs, such as paying for field trips.
What SPECIALS are offered at AIS?
We use a 7 day rotation for specials (they have gym twice in a rotation). You will receive a schedule from your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year. Students will attend guidance, gym, music, art, technology, and library.
What is a Snapshot?
Snapshots are our version of a standards-based report card to give a quick overview of a student’s performance at a given time.
What are AIS Communities?
Alcoa has many unique communities. At AIS, we divide students and staff into three of these communities - Springbrook, Vose, and Hall. Students can earn leader points for their community by showing exceptional leadership and various challenges throughout the year. At the end of the year, the community with the most points wins the school trophy. New students or staff are sorted into communities during our Community Reveal Day celebration.
What is Community Time?
Every morning we start the day in the gym with Community Time with a variety of activities, such as recognizing birthdays, student achievements, and leader bucks earners. Occasionally, we have guest speakers and student performances. Sometimes, we play games for community points. We always start with the pledge, a moment of silence, announcements, and setting goals.
What are Leader Bucks?
A student can earn a leader buck from any staff member for showing exceptional leadership. These are turned into the office and are drawn weekly for small rewards. Each buck counts as a point towards that student’s community.
Does AIS have recess?
We have recess for 30 minutes everyday.
What is the AIS creed?
The AIS creed is our mantra for every student. It is as follows:
We are the young people of AIS.
We are college and career bound.
We Listen because we want to learn.
We make no excuses. We Enter confident and prepared, and we can do the job.
We take small steps to Achieve big goals.
We do not back down from life’s challenges.
We are Disciplined.
We Encourage each other because we are family.
We respect ourselves and we Respect each other.
We never fail because we never give up.
We are the young people of AIS!